The 2006 Musicradio 77 Web Site All Time Favorite Hits
Commentary and analysis by Mike Riccio.
Compilation by Tom Natoli and Mike Riccio.
Technical assistance from Craig Harris and Chad Olszyk.

(as voted by site visitors 10/17/06 through 12/10/06)

For a "countdown" version of the results, click here 

As I start our annual wrap up of the results, a tremendous "thank you" has to go to fellow "Survey Guy" Tom Natoli. Just as I'm pulling all-nighters during December to put the site summaries and audio scripts together, Tom is doing likewise handling just about all of the calculations from the beginning of the voting to the end.

And we both can't say enough about our staff of survey-helpers, led by life-savers Craig Harris and Chad Olszyk, who come up with the technical stuff we need to make these compilations oh so much easier. (Now we don't have to use index cards anymore! LOL). Thanks to Ron Kovacs of Radio Max Music for his hard work in getting this countdown on the air. (Be sure to visit his site.) Thanks to Steve West and Don Tandler for voicing the audio countdown. And of course, a BIG thanks goes to site C.E.O. and program manager Allan Sniffen for helping to get this survey to you and for hosting the Top 77 portion of the audio countdown.


This year, over 2000 songs got votes from over 600 voters. Of these, the guys dominated again with 73.5% of the votes as opposed to 21.6% coming from the ladies. The good news is that the percentage of female voters went up again this year. Thank you, ladies. The balance of the voters were "undetermined" with names like "Jackie" or initials like "A. Smith", etc. Why do you all make it SOOOO difficult for us? Next time you vote, please write "Last time I checked, I was a (indicate sex here)".


YES! YES! YES! We are so thrilled to welcome back Oklahoma to the list of states that voted this year, as we heard from 39 states and the District of Columbia, plus the two commonwealths of Puerto Rico and the Mariana Islands (yes, after all these years, I finally researched WHERE this commonwealth is located, and I promise to tell year.) 

But I must hold up to public scorn, once again, those glorious states that could not send ONE of its many residents to our site to vote. Yes, I'm talking about YOU...Alaska, Arkansas, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kentucky, Montana, North and South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming. As Moe of the Three Stooges would say just before he konked Curley on the head..."Why, you!!!" 

Thanks for adding international flavor to the list to the fine citizens of Australia, Bermuda, Canada, England, Germany and Ireland. 


We were reminded of some great novelty songs that have made us laugh...or cringe through the years. Doug Kruse of Manchester, New Hampshire remembered "Shaddap You Face" by Joe Dolce. To that we say, "why"? 

The Pipkins wonderful "huh?" song, "Gimme Dat Ding", was included in New Jersey's Bill Hollis' list. And Jim W. of Cromwell, Connecticut got excited about voting for "The Stripper". Maybe that's why he used three exclamation points. (!!!) 

Thanks to Illinois' Mike Seaver for remembering Lightning Lou's sister, Julie Christie, and "I Love Onions". And John Reilly from Stratford, New Jersey...please forward your complete address so we can have you locked up for voting your #1 all-time favorite "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds" by WILLIAM SHATNER!!! 


All the "Venus" songs were remembered this year, thanks to John D'Escopo, Barry Miller, David Brown, Randy Forman, Jeff Hegedus and others. Oh, so which one was the winner? Your choice went to Shocking Blue's 1970 version (possibly due to that group's talented lead singer's recent passing). The song finished #310. 

New Jersey's Alan Levine voted for a "Classic Motown Tribute" led by Jr. Walker's "What Does It Take" at #1. New York state's Jason voted for Snow Patrol's "Counting Cars" as his #3 favorite. Er, Jason, that would be four...four songs by the Cars that got votes. Is that what you meant? 

And another Jason, this one from Elizabeth, New Jersey voted for all Shangri-Las songs (ah, my favorite girl group!). But Jason, did you vote for the original Shangri-Las, or the "new" Shangri-Las touring now? You know, the ones that were not even BORN when the original hits were out? 

Florida's Mike Perry was WAY too formal, referring to the Kingsmen'a hit as "Louis Louis". Hi to Cathy from New Jersey who voted five of her top seven to songs by either the Shirelles or Dusty Springfield. Thanks, Mark Snow from Massachusetts, for your Beatles vote, but "That Boy" is really "This Boy". (And brothers and sister, I have none, but THAT man's father, is my father's son. Now who is THAT man? Oops, sorry! I digress. All that took me on a riddle bit.)  

We all know "Lightning Strikes", but John Sliger of Knoxville, Tennessee also remembers that - according to the Live album - "Lightning Crashes", too. To Michael Robichaux, where on earth is Thibodaux, Louisiana? And while we're at it, Adrian Brieger, exactly WHERE is "Ho-Ho-Kus", New Jersey? 

Brooklyn's Ron Gerson remembered some GREAT oldies in "Love You So" by Ron Holden and "Imagination" by the Quotations. And kudos to Ed Newlands from Massapequa Park, Long Island for including a great lost hit, Lighthouse's "One Fine Morning". Neal Adams from Tenafly, New Jersey, thanks for following what you call an "...ethical obligation to be 100% accurate (unlike the latter day WMCA surveys!)" Oops, don't let fellow voter and WMCA lover John Porcaro hear THAT one! 

Michigan's John McMahon voted for both a horse (with no name) and a dog (with the name of Boo) in his list. Hey, Bobby Caruso from Union, New AIN'T being funny voting for seven songs that begin with "Ain't"! 

And hi to site friends who support us with their votes year after year. Like original "Survey Guy" Ken Williamson from California, whose favorite activity is "Groovin'". And to Howard Flam, contest aficionado...Nice choices! Hi to Ken K. of Scotch Plains, New Jersey who voted Wilson Pickett's "Midnight Hour" as his fave. Hilary from Pennsylvania loved voting but thought Tom and I were trying to drive everyone NUTS by asking for seven songs this year. She said it was oh so tough trying to decide on her final two favorites. 

Connecticut's Bob Radil voted for "Satisfaction" as his favorite. But Bob, which version was it, the original or WABC's edited version from 1965? Brooklyn's Frank Schmitt kept the girl groups alive with votes for the Shirelles and the Crystals. Alan Ross from New Jersey remembered that GREAT Bill Deal and the Rhondels hit "What Kind of Fool Do You Think I Am". WABC super-historian and friend Peter Kanze from White Plains, New York liked the classic "In the Still of the Nite". And hi to Mike Paradine from Bayonne, New Jersey, who voted for TWO songs from his favorites, the Kinks. 

Tom Smith checked in from Madison, New Jersey and quickly voted for "Hey Jude", but by WILSON PICKETT and not the Beatles! Knoxville's Mike Gallant's yearly pilgrimage to get Diana Ross' "Ain't No Mountain..." to #1 is now a tradition! Hi to Tony Marzocco from Florida who made the navy happy, voting for "Kiss Me Sailor" by Diane Renay AND "Sailor" by Lolita. Anchors away, Tony! 

Hi to Rich Appel from Wayne, New Jersey. Hey buddy, you voted for "Green Onions", but I double dare ya to go to Taco Bell and eat some! A hearty hello to trivia and chart mavens Larry Zamparelli and Randy Price from New York. And Spencer Morasch from Jersey showed his loyalty with an email address that starts with "WABC..." 

Finally, I better say thanks to Barbara Natoli of New Jersey, not only for voting but also for putting up with husband and fellow "Survey Guy" Tom while he was doing all these calculations!  


The NY Daily News was represented by ace radio/entertainment reporter David Hinckley. Hi to our other industry friends like New York's Mickey Gensler (who could ever forget the "Metropolitan Report"?) And hello to some of the best air talent around who stopped in to vote: Mike McCann from Connecticut, Pat St. John (Hey Pat, "The Twist" finally tumbles from your #1 slot after all these years to be replaced by Jerry Lee Lewis!), Bob Shannon, Big Jay "Be Big" Sorensen, and Don Tandler all from the Garden State, and Mark H., "Mark the Shark" formerly live from his living room in Latham, New York! 

Thanks to the "Queen of Oldies" and brand new New York resident Pink Lady Patty and all the voters she brought to the site, including Mia Bambina from Florida (didn't she hit 60 home runs in 1927...oops, that was Bambino, not Bambina, sorry!). Also Alabama's Vannie Warren, Carol from Point Pleasant, New Jersey, Matthew Lanke from Columbus, Mississippi, Kelli Nunez from Colorado and Tom from Pennsylvania, who had five 4 Seasons songs on his list. Thank you's also go to Samantha, who is bewitched out in California, the Lone Star's two stars, Gina and Anthony, and "Marky Munster" from New York, our resident Sixties' Sitcom Sage. Sandra from Chicago, Chicago...that wonderful town, loves "The Lion Sleeps Tonight". But Sandra, tell us, what does a wimoweh? Or is that “weem-o-weigh”? Big Davy Jones fan Joyce from Pennsylvania had "Daydream Believer" on top. And "Bop Tll Ya Drop"...we love your name, but are you REALLY from "Awesome Radio", Oregon? 

East coasters Pete O'Rourke, Jim Dwane and Adrian Brieger voted for some great classic acts like Queen, Cream, CCR, the Who, the Stones, Elton John, Pink Floyd, Pearl Jam, Neil Young and Bowie. Michael Rice softened things up a bit by voting for his fave, the Carpenters' "We've Only Just Begun". And Andrea Chikofsky pulled out a great forgotten Monkees' tune, "Tapioca Tundra”. 

Hi to Frank Thomas from New Jersey. I love your comments on the songs you voted for. Your description of "Precious and Few" is classic: "...a big old slice of 70's cheese...but it's really good cheese!" Jeff Scheckner from Union, New Jersey spanned from 1958 ("It's All in the Game") to 2004 ("Hey Ya"). And Jim Fraas from Lawrence, Mass (hey, doesn't that rhyme?) came through again, with his prediction of the entire top 77 weeks in advance. It was close, but no cigar this year, Jim. 

Staten Island's Terry Morgan voted for four of his seven favorites as Beach Boys hits, so he should be happy about this year's #10 song, even if he DIDN'T vote for it! And to site friend Steve Green, who gives us words of wisdom to live by each year, Aater consulting a dictionary we must say that we love his explanation, or was it a warning, that his votes this year were for "all happy songs, ridiculous, somewhat puerile, mid-teen, perky, and filled with stupid hooks no one reading this will publicly admit to ever having liked at the risk of total social disgrace". Whew, Steve! And I really liked your #1 choice of "Who's Your Baby" by the Archies, except that from now on, I'm not admitting it! 


"Gamaray" from da Bronx zapped us with votes for two Beatles songs. Geoff Knees from Connecticut got down on HIS to implore us to "accept no substitutes" and include Marvin and Tammi's "Ain't No Mountain High Enough". (It came in #148.) And I think I know why Patrick Scalzo voted his top four as Kiss songs. Could the clue be in his email address, "kisshead17"? 

Not sure if I agree with Omaha's Andy Agree's top 7 choices, but he IS an agreeable guy! And I wonder if "A. Bull" from Massachusetts voted in a china shop. Thanks for checking in from California, "Old Billy-Goat". Now please, spit out that can! And RadioGator from Gainesville, FLorida, I loved your Archies votes but with a nickname like yours you better stay away from those Florida swamps! 


Roberto from the Bronx...Please, oh please, WATCH YOUR SPELLING. Led Zeppelin WERE big stars, so we can accept "Starway to Heaven". But when you misspell "Supertitious", we don't know if you're talking about a song by Stevie Wonder or Dolly Parton! And was Nancy MacIntire from Maine answering a wish of hers when she voted for these two songs, back to back? "I Know What I Want for Christmas"..."Long, Slow Kisses". Hey, that sounds like a GREAT wish! 


Now we have some serious questions here. Like, why didn't Boston's Betty Joel vote for Billy? Or Las Vegas' "Music Maestro" vote for Johnny. 

Neither Jay nor John Bono from Woodside and Bayside, New York voted on ANY side for Sonny...or U2! And we're glad to see that New Jersey's Bill Cain was "able" to vote, but shouldn't he have voted for the 1956 hit, "Garden of Eden"? Shouldn't "Queen Jean" from Salem, Massachusetts vote for "Witchy Woman"? Why didn't St. Louis' Tom Trigger vote for "Happiness Is a Warm Gun"? How come Vermont's Ken Storey didn't vote for "The Story in Your Eyes"? 

And we have more questions we need answered! Like why didn't Massachusetts’ Barbara Mason vote for 1965's "Yes I'm Ready" by...Barbara Mason? And why didn't Amy Lee Gallant, Paula Gallant, Justin Gallant, Pauly Gallant, Linda Gallant, Sarah Gallant, Doug Gallant and Mike Gallant vote for "Gallant Men" by Senator Everett McKinley Dirksen? I really thought "Popeye" from Las Cruces, New Mexico would have voted for the flip side of "Limbo Rock". That was "Popeye (the Hitch Hiker)", of course, by Chubby Checker. And speaking of Chubby, why didn't Ohio's "Twisterman" vote for "The Twist"? 

Hey, Peter Sammon of Glen Ridge, New Jersey, you should have voted for "The Fish", "Beyond the Sea" or at least "C'mon and Swim". Oh, Carlos Arcuri from Buenos Aires, why didn't YOU vote for "Don't Cry for Me Argentina"? Why didn't Massachusetts' Bill Alpert vote for Herb? I would have bet that New York's Janet Weingarten would have voted for Lynn Anderson's "Rose Garden". Um...Kathleen Pickett from New York City, please vote for brother Wilson next time. And Jeff Busche from Kansas, couldn't you acknowledge Musique's "In the Bush"? 

Wouldn't it be nice if Wayland, New York's Lee Richey voted for Lionel? Revere, Massachusett's "B. Newton" should have voted for Wayne, or at least Paul and the Raiders, while eating a fig newton, no? From Valley Village, California, I could almost hear it, that great Beatles hit that starts with guitar feedback..."She's in love with me and Ilene Fine". Oh no, that's "I FEEL Fine", not "ILENE Fine', but she didn't vote for the Beatles' song anyway. Becky Presley from Topeka, Kansas, you chose the Cowsills over Elvis? And Ohio's Julie Fisher, Eddie was counting on you. Instead you voted for Men Without Hats as your fave? 

New Jersey's "F. Deere" really should have voted for Ian Hunter. Texas' Jim Hyland didn't even vote for any songs by Brian. And New Jersey's John Cashman didn't even vote for "Money". Corpus Christi's Ann Smith voted for all Clay Aiken songs in her top ten. Does that mean that Gene McDaniel's "100 Pounds of Clay" automatically gets some votes? And to Australia's Ian Wright, what, no "You May Be Right"? I mean, think about it, you ARE always "Wright" (unless you change your name, that is.) 


What song combinations we saw this year! Joe from Wisconsin included  Bobby "Boris" Pickett, Millie Small AND Led Zeppelin on his list. New Hampshire's Patricia Chandler included Josh Groban, Andrea Bocelli and the classic "Moonlight Serenade" in her top 7. Becky B's choices from her perch in Pittsburgh went from Etta James to Pearl Jam. And Knoxville's Clint Sadler mixed Frank Sinatra with the Foo Fighters on his list. 

And thanks to Mike Riccio for his votes! No, I'm not patting myself on the back, that's my nephew from North Bellmore who wrote "From one Mike Riccio to another - keep up the great work!". And then he went on to vote for some REAL wide variety from the Beatles to Frank Sinatra to Guns 'N' Roses to Barry Sadler! ("The Ballad of November Rain, Dooby Dooby Doo!"?) His wife Nancy also mixed it up, including two Frank Sinatra songs with her fave by Guns 'N' Roses. Tennessee's Kristopher O'Barr had a LARGE variety of styles, too, including acts from Nat "King" Cole to Ted Nugent's Damn Yankees. And Kris' fellow Knoxvillian Justin Griffen included Queen and the Four Seasons on his Top 7, but not Frankie Valli's guys...instead it was "The Four Seasons" (all 16 movements) by Vivaldi! 


Sam Tallerico from NYC thanked us for the "fun" this survey gives. And Matt Vandermast from New Jersey summed it up nicely and gives a hint as to why we do this every year: "Thanks again for doing this every year...The job you did last year was the best ever. I was hoping you'd go for the top 7 this year. I just hope it doesn't turn out to be more work than you expected!" Well Matt, it was more work, but nice comments like yours make it worthwhile. 

Arneil DeWitt from Morris County, New Jersey, pretty much summed up where it ALL started. No, not with the Beatles, not with Elvis, but with...with...well, read on, because he could be right. He voted for "Dancing in the Dark" from 1929 by Bing Crosby, and then commented: "One of the greatest songs, with chord changes, almost made the need for anything later obsolete. It is (with) songs like this (that) you could see Paul McCartney was influenced. Without Bing, there would never have been Elvis, without Elvis, no Beatles, no Elton John, no music today”. 


And here’s a final suggestion from Douglas from Pittsburgh. He asks, "I know this is a ridiculous request, but can you expand the list to 10 favorite songs (next year)?" Douglas, good 'ol buddy 'ol pal...thanks for enjoying the Top 77, but my head hasn't seen a pillow in, the answer is "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"!!! 

Thanks to every one of you for voting. As I open the envelope for the results, here's a reminder of how this list was compiled. Voters were asked to choose their seven all-time favorite songs from any era, not just the years that WABC was a music station. A songs received seven points if it was voted as a number one favorite, six points as a number two favorite, etc. down to one point for a number seven vote. Points were tallied and those songs with the most points were ranked highest. The number of people who voted for each song was also factored in with a variably weighted system for the final ranking. Ties were broken based on the number of voters for each song, then by the number of #1, #2 and #3 votes, etc. for the song, and finally, if still tied, by the higher ranking song on the WABC and national surveys.

SO let's reveal, from bottom to top, this year's all-time faves!


2006 edition

(LY)TY     Song                           Artist     Year/Years on List

(--)77     *My Eyes Adored You           Frankie Valli     1975/1
(37)76     Brandy                        Looking Glass     1972/6
(--)75     Ticket To Ride                Beatles           1965/1
(--)74     *You Can't Hurry Love         Supremes          1966/1
(--)73     *Joy To The World             Three Dog Night   1971/3
(--)72     *The Rain, The Park,          Cowsills          1967/5
             & Other Things
(--)71     Dream On                      Aerosmith         1976/1
(--)70     Brown Sugar                   Rolling Stones    1971/2
(--)69     Sweet Caroline                Neil Diamond      1969/1
(--)68     In Dreams                     Roy Orbison       1963/1
(--)67     *Yesterday                    Beatles           1965/6
(64)66     Walk Away Renee               Left Banke        1966/2
(49)65     My Way                        Frank Sinatra     1969/5
(--)64     Hair                          Cowsills          1969/2
(--)63     Rock Around The Clock         Bill Haley &      1955/3
                                          His Comets
(--)62     *You're So Vain               Carly Simon       1973/2
(--)61     *Help!                        Beatles           1965/3
(53)60     *Daydream Believer            Monkees           1967/3
(48)59     God Only Knows                Beach Boys        1966/6
(34)58     Dawn (Go Away)                Four Seasons      1964/4
(25)57     *Oh, Pretty Woman             Roy Orbison       1964/5
(--)56     Waterloo Sunset               Kinks             1967/1
(--)55     Theme From "A Summer Place"   Percy Faith &     1960/2
                                          His Orchestra
(--)54     Cara Mia                      Jay & the         1965/2
(--)53     Lay Down                      Melanie & Edwin   1970/1
            (Candles in the Rain)         Hawkinsingers
(--)52     I Saw Her Standing There      Beatles           1964/2
(--)51     *(They Long to Be)            Carpenters        1970/3
             Close To You
(--)50     He's A Rebel                  Crystals          1962/6
(--)49     *Lightnin' Strikes            Lou Christie      1966/3
(--)48     Bohemian Rhapsody             Queen             1976-1992/3
(--)47     The Long & Winding Road       Beatles           1970/2
(39)46     Strawberry Fields Forever     Beatles           1967/5
(62)45     *Sherry                       Four Seasons      1962/4
(67)44     All The Young Dudes           Mott the Hoople   1972/2
(35)43     Hotel California              Eagles            1977/5
(10)42     Imagine                       John Lennon       1971/9
(76)41     *Honky Tonk Women             Rolling Stones    1969/5
(56)40     Midnight Confessions          Grass Roots       1968/4
(23)39     Because                       Dave Clark Five   1964/8
(68)38     *Get Back                     Beatles           1969/3
(24)37     *You've Lost That Lovin'      Righteous         1965/7
             Feelin'                      Brothers
(61)36     *Runaround Sue                Dion              1961/4 
(27)35     *Crystal Blue Persuasion      Tommy James       1969/6
                                          & the Shondells
(26)34     Mack The Knife                Bobby Darin       1959/7
(36)33     *Cherish                      Association       1966/6
(38)32     *The Twist                    Chubby Checker    1960-1962/6
(51)31     My Sweet Lord                 George Harrison   1971/6
(17)30     Like A Rolling Stone          Bob Dylan         1965/8
(28)29     *What's Going On              Marvin Gaye       1971/2
(18)28     Unchained Melody              Righteous         1965-1990/8
(--)27     A Day In The Life             Beatles           1967/7
(74)26     Earth Angel                   Penguins          1955/2
(--)25     *Aquarius/Let The Sunshine In 5th Dimension     1969/2
(13)24     Can't Help Falling In Love    Elvis Presley     1962/5
(--)23     *Will You Love Me Tomorrow    Shirelles         1960/3
(31)22     Taxi                          Harry Chapin      1972/8
(--)21     *Be My Baby                   Ronettes          1963/4
(29)20     In My Life(from "Rubber Soul) Beatles           1966/7
(32)19     Layla                         Derek &           1972/8
                                          the Dominos
(12)18     *She Loves You                Beatles           1964/9
(20)17     My Girl                       Temptations       1965/8
(40)16     *Nights In White Satin        Moody Blues       1972/9
(16)15     Good Vibrations               Beach Boys        1966/9
(19)14     *Bridge Over Troubled Water   Simon & Garfunkel 1970/9
(14)13     Stairway To Heaven            Led Zeppelin      1971/9
            (from "Led Zeppelin IV")
(15)12     *Let It Be                    Beatles           1970/9
( 8)11     MacArthur Park                Richard Harris    1968/9
(--)10     Don't Worry Baby              Beach Boys        1964/3
( 6) 9     *I Want To Hold Your Hand     Beatles           1964/9
( 9) 8     *American Pie                 Don McLean        1972/9
( 4) 7     *Light My Fire                Doors             1967/9
(11) 6     *Rag Doll                     Four Seasons      1964/8
( 5) 5     In The Still Of The Nite      Five Satins       1956/9
( 7) 4     *A Horse With No Name         America           1972/9
( 3) 3     *Satisfaction                 Rolling Stones    1965/9
( 2) 2     *Ain't No Mountain High       Diana Ross        1970/9
( 1) 1     *Hey Jude                     Beatles           1968/9
           (Ninth Straight Year #1)
Asterisks (*) indicate a former #1 song on the WABC weekly survey.
Analysis by Mike Riccio and Tom Natoli

There you have it!

The official WABC Musicradio77 Web Site Top Hit List -
2006 Edition - As voted by you!

So there you go, the official results as voted by you! We found that having you vote for seven songs accomplished two things. First, it gave us a broader variety of music overall on the list. Of the Top 77, 29 songs or almost 38% of the songs were not on the list last year. The second thing it did was to help ensure that only the strongest across-the-board entries made the survey. A classic hit that otherwise might not make an individual's top 3 or top 5 list would be more likely to be somewhere in someone's top 7, and so had a better chance to make the Top 77.

35 of the songs you voted into the Top 77 (45%) were former number one songs on WABC. Your favorite decade again proved to be sixties, with 49 songs, or almost 64% of the Top 77 falling in that time frame. 24 songs came from the 70's (27.2%), four from the 50's and two (both re-releases) from the 90's. In fact, even the highest ranking song of the 80's was a re-release of Ben E. King's 1961 classic, "Stand By Me", and that one came in #98. The first purebred 1980's song came in a few slots lower, at #105, "Endless Love" from Diana Ross and Lionel Richie. The first 1990's song to appear outside of re-releases is #237, Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" from 1991. And Drake Bell's 2006 hit "I Know" topped the songs from this decade by finishing at #209.

The Beatles again proved to be champions, led by the incredible success of "Hey Jude", which repeats here as #1 for the ninth straight year, simply incredible! The race for #1 was closer than ever this year, with Diana Ross falling short by the equivalent of one #1 vote. That aside, "Hey Jude" led the pack pretty much from the beginning of the voting right through the end. And at this point it's quite clear that this 1968 classic is by far site visitors' favorite all-time song.

This year as last year, approximately 86% of the voters for "Hey Jude" were men. The Fab Four wound up with 13 songs in the Top 77, plus two solo efforts, which means that just over 19% of the Top 77 were Beatle songs, or almost one of every five songs represented. The Beatles were also the survey's most voted-for act, with 63 of their songs and 15 solo or post-Beatle efforts getting votes overall, which is about one of every 26 songs that got votes.

The bad news for Ms. Ross is that she finished second. The good news for Ms. Ross is that she finished SECOND. SECOND! Out of all the huge hits and big favorites through the years, site fans again voted this song higher than it appears on almost ANY other favorite hits poll. And as long as we've got our jaws dropped, how about America finishing at #4? Now, this song was a big hit when it was out, but #4 of all time? Every year, you guys vote this seemingly nondescript song as one of your favorites, but together with Ms. Ross' song, we have a powerhouse one-two punch that is rarely embraced so lovingly at nearly any other all-time survey I've ever seen.

It was interesting to see the Beach Boys' "Don't Worry Baby" finish so high on the list. And although this turned out to be the highest debuting song this year on the survey, it's not as much of a surprise since this one has proven to be more popular as an oldie than when it was released.

16 songs remain in the elite category of having made the Top 77 every year to date, although John Lennon's "Imagine" did take a huge dip from #10 all the way down to #42. Other than that, it was great to see the return to the list of some songs you probably just assumed were on the list last year, like "Be My Baby" (#21), "Will You Love Me Tomorrow" (#23), "Aquarius" (#25), "A Day in the Life" (#27), "The Long and Winding Road" (#47) and "Bohemian Rhapsody" (#48).

Congratulations to #53 "Lay Down (Candles in the Rain)", Melanie's hit from 1970, which becomes this year's highest entry never to have previously made the Top 77. And honorable mention comes in at a surprising #56 this year, the Kinks "Waterloo Sunset". Although a well-known tune to Kinks fans world-wide, most top 40 lovers would not think of this song first when naming the most memorable hits from Ray Davies' clan.

The biggest drop off the Top 77 is a favorite of mine, "Since I Don't Have You" by the Skyliners. This song, which was #21 last year, dipped down to #124 on this year's list. And again this year we're amazed that only four of Motown's classic catalog of superhits made the Top 77, with only one Supremes song sneaking in at #74. But as we've said before, this is actually testimony to the fact that there are SO many big Motown songs that have made the charts, it's difficult for site voters to zero in on just a handful of songs to make the final cut.

This year's oldest songs to make the Top 77 are "Rock Around the Clock" and "Earth Angel". But do you want to know the oldest song overall (outside of our Vivaldi lover’s choice) to get votes? That would be "Happy Birthday" by Mildred and Patty Smith Hill from 1924. Boy, it takes all types, doesn't it?

And finally, the "Missed It By THAT Much" award goes to #78, "Mr. Tambourine Man" by the Byrds from 1965. And, just in case you're curious, the "Missed It By TOO Much" award this year goes to "You've Really Got a Hold On Me" by the Miracles, a great song that somehow finished dead last, at #2042.

Now here are some more specific breakdowns based on all the voting, not just the songs that made the Top 77.


Who voted?

Here are the top states by percent of overall votes:


1) New York (24.74%)
2) New Jersey (23.87%)
3) (tie) Connecticut and Florida (5.23%)
4) Pennsylvania (4.88%)
5) Tennessee (4.36%)
6) California (3.48%)
7) Massachusetts (2.79%)
8) Texas (2.09%)
9) (tie) Ohio and Virginia (1.39%)

10) North Carolina (1.22%)

This year, Texas rejoins the top ten and
Arizona drops off the top ten.
Analysis by Mike Riccio



Top Artists

(Total Number of Songs and Position Last Year)

1) Beatles (1) 63 songs
2) Rolling Stones (3) 28 songs
3) Elvis Presley (2) 22 songs
4) Four Seasons (5) 21 songs
5) Beach Boys (6) 20 songs
6) Supremes (4) 19 songs
7) Elton John (7) 17 songs
8) Marvin Gaye (9) 13 songs
9) Temptations (10)/Kinks (--)/Frank Sinatra (--) 12 songs
10)Who/Pink Floyd/Madonna/Clay Aiken/Four Tops
   (all new) 11 songs

(Stevie Wonder dropped off the top ten this year.)
Analysis by Mike Riccio



Top Hits by Decade

(5.73% of total survey)

1) In the Still of the Nite - Five Satins (1956)
2) Earth Angel - Penguins (1955)
3) Mack the Knife - Bobby Darin (1959)
4) Rock Around the Clock - Bill Haley & the Comets (1955)
5) Don't Be Cruel - Elvis Presley (1956)
6) Little Star - Elegants (1958)
7) Since I Don't Have You - Skyliners (1959)
8) I Wonder Why - Dion and the Belmonts (1958)
9) Jailhouse Rock - Elvis Presley (1957)
10)Dream Lover - Bobby Darin (1959)


(40.16% of total survey)

1) Hey Jude - Beatles (1969)
2) (I Can't Get No Satisfaction - Rolling Stones (1965)
3) Rag Doll - Four Seasons (1964)
4) Light My Fire - Doors (1967)
5) I Want to Hold Your Hand - Beatles (1964)
6) Don't Worry Baby - Beach Boys (1964)
7) MacArthur Park - Richard Harris (1968)
8) Good Vibrations - Beach Boys (1966)
9) My Girl - Temptations (1965)
10)She Loves You - Beatles (1964)


(30.56% of total survey)

1) Ain't No Mountain High Enough - Diana Ross (1970)
2) A Horse With No Name - America (1972)
3) American Pie - Don McLean (1972)
4) Let It Be - Beatles (1970)
5) Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin (1971)
6) Bridge Over Troubled Water - Simon & Garfunkel (1970)
7) Nights in White Satin - Moody Blues (1972)
8) Layla - Derek & the Dominos (1972)
9) Taxi - Harry Chapin (1972)
10)What's Going On - Marvin Gaye (1971)


(10.38% of total survey)

1) Stand By Me - Ben E. King (1986 - re-release)
2) Endless Love - Diana Ross & Lionel Richie (1981)
3) With or Without You - U2 (1987)
4) Total Eclipse of the Heart - Bonnie Tyler (1983)
5) What a Wonderful World - Louis Armstrong (1988 re-release)
6) Sweet Child O'Mine - Guns 'N' Roses (1988)
7) Waiting for a Girl Like You - Foreigner (1981)
8) Like a Prayer - Madonna (1989)
9) Don't Stop Believin' - Journey (1982)

10) Do You Love Me - Contours (1988 re-release)


(5.29% of total survey)

1) Unchained Melody - Righteous Brothers (1990 re-release)
2) Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen (1992 re-release)
3) Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana (1991)
4) Vogue - Madonna (1990)
5) Landslide - Fleetwood Mac (1997)

The remaining votes were too scattered
to accurately complete the top ten.


(7.25% of total survey)

1) I Know - Drake Bell (2006)
2) Sexy Back - Justin Timberlake (2006)
3) Lips of an Angel - Hinder (2006)
4) Bad Day - Daniel Powter (2006)
5) Solitaire - Clay Aiken (2004)

The remaining votes were too scattered
to accurately complete the top ten.
Analysis by Mike Riccio




Artists Top Hits

Beatles Top 20

1) Hey Jude
2) I Want to Hold Your Hand
3) Let It Be
4) She Loves You
5) In My Life
6) A Day in the Life
7) Get Back
8) Strawberry Fields Forever
9) Long and Winding Road
10)I Saw Her Standing There
13)Ticket to Ride
14)A Hard Day's Night
15)Here Comes the Sun
16)I Feel Fine
18)All You Need Is Love
19)If I Fell
20)And I Love Her


Elvis Presley Top 10

1) Can't Help Falling in Love
2) Don't Be Cruel
3) Kentucky Rain
4) It's Now or Never
5) Suspicious Minds
6) Jailhouse Rock
7) Hound Dog
8) The Wonder of You
9) In the Ghetto
10)Heartbreak Hotel


Rolling Stones Top 10

1) (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction - Rolling Stones
2) Honky Tonk Women
3) Brown Sugar
4) Ruby Tuesday
5) Gimme Shelter
6) Paint It Black
7) Tumbling Dice
8) Jumpin' Jack Flash
9) Time Is On My Side
10)Get Off of My Cloud


Elton John Top 10

1) Philadelphia Freedom
2) Your Song
3) Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
4) Crocodile Rock
5) Funeral for a Friend/Love Lies Bleeding
6) Bennie and the Jets
7) The Bitch Is Back
8) Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds
9) Rocket Man
10)Someone Saved My Life Tonight


Supremes Top 10

1) You Can't Hurry Love
2) Love Child
3) Reflections
4) Stoned Love
5) Someday We'll Be Together
6) You Keep Me Hangin' On
7) Back in My Arms Again
8) Where Did Our Love Go
9) Love Is Like an Itching in My Heart
10)Stop! In the Name of Love


Beach Boys Top 10

1) Don't Worry Baby
2) Good Vibrations
3) God Only Knows
4) Wouldn't It Be Nice
5) California Girls
6) Sloop John B
7) Sail On Sailor
8) I Get Around
9) Surfin' USA
10)Help Me Rhonda


Four Seasons Top 10

1) Rag Doll
2) Sherry
3) Dawn (Go Away)
4) Let's Hang On!
5) Walk Like a Man
6) Opus 17 (Don't You Worry 'Bout Me)
7) Big Girls Don't Cry
8) Big Man in Town
9) Save It for Me
10)December 1963 (Oh What a Night)


Motown Top 20

1) Ain't No Mountain High Enough - Diana Ross
2) My Girl - Temptations
3) What's Going On - Marvin Gaye
4) You Can't Hurry Love - Supremes
5) I Can't Help Myself - 4 Tops
6) Love Child - Diana Ross & the Supremes
7) Reflections - Diana Ross & the Supremes
8) Endless Love - Diana Ross & Lionel Richie
9) I Want You Back - Jackson Five
10)My Cherie Amour - Stevie Wonder
11)I Heard It Through the Grapevine = Marvin Gaye
12)Ain't No Mountain High Enough - Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell
13)Baby I Need Your Loving - Four Tops
14)Stoned Love - Supremes
15)Someday We'll Be Together - Diana Ross & the Supremes
16)Touch Me in the Morning - Diana Ross
17)You Keep Me Hangin' On - Supremes
18)Back in My Arms Again - Supremes
19)Ball of Confusion - Temptations
20)Where Did Our Love Go - Supremes


British Invasion Top 20

1) (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction - Rolling Stones
2) I Want to Hold Your Hand - Beatles
3) She Loves You - Beatles
4) Because - Dave Clark Five
5) I Saw Her Standing There - Beatles
6) Help! - Beatles
7) Yesterday - Beatles
8) Ticket to Ride - Beatles
9) A Hard Day's Night - Beatles
10)House of the Rising Sun - Animals
11)A Summer Song - Chad Stuart & Jeremy Clyde
12)I Feel Fine - Beatles
13)If I Fell - Beatles
14)Downtown - Petula Clark
15)And I Love Her - Beatles
16)You Really Got Me - Kinks
17)Glad All Over - Dave Clark Five
18)Please Please Me - Beatles
19)Concrete and Clay - Unit 4 plus 2
20)Eight Days a Week - Beatles
Analysis by Mike Riccio


And so wraps up another year of what's turned out to be a great tradition here at the website.  It's a lot of work, but it's worth doing it for all of you who enjoy this so much and for all of you who take the time to email your appreciation of it. For that, a huge thanks goes to you.

Other acknowledgements MUST go to fellow "Survey Guy" Tom Natoli, without whom this project would NOT get done, plain and simple. To Craig Harris and Chad Olszyk, technical assistants extraordinaire, thanks for making life SO much easier for me and Tom. And of course, thanks goes to this site's program manager Allan Sniffen for his support, advice and help in putting this together.

Thanks again to all of you who voted and sent comments, encouragement and good wishes during the voting period. I'll say it again. Your positive response is the main reason we continue with this massive project each year. In reality, YOUR participation has made this as much of a tradition for us as it was in the days of the WABC top 100's of the year.

Let us know what you think. Send your comments to me at or to Tom Natoli at Or post your comments at the New York Radio Message Board.

Until next time...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

Mike Riccio ( "Survey Guy")


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