Musicradio WABC Pictures of the Week for January, 2010


Week of January 5, 2010:


The Actual WABC Silver Dollar Survey from January 5, 1963

(click on the image to see a larger version) 

Scott Muni on WABC
January 31, 1963

Here's a rare Scott Muni aircheck courtesy of Gary Liebisch from about the same time as the above survey.
The quality could be better but Gary did his best to clean it up.
We have so little of Scott on WABC that it's much appreciated!

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 Week of January 12, 2010: 

"WABC Music Time"

This is the actual clock the WABC DJ's looked at in the WABC Studio in 1972!
(courtesy Bob Hardt)

And here's what Musicradio WABC sounded like at that time.
Bruce Morrow
April 4, 1972

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Johnny Donovan explains the marks:
Red Marks: Commercials
Blue Marks: Mandatory Music Sweeps


Week of January 19, 2010:


Dan Ingram on the air at WABC
Fall, 1971

(courtesy Shadoe Steele)

How about that for a fantastic picture?
Shadoe Steele contributed it to and commented:

That's my pride and joy
It is
a candid that the Chief Engineer took of Ingram in 1971 (early
I wouldn't trade that one for the

Here's what Dan sounded like at about that time.
A great aircheck to go with a great photo.
The photo and aircheck will remind you of why you loved WABC!

Dan on WABC
November 6, 1971

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Week of January 26, 2010:


carstar76.jpg (41409 bytes)

It might have seemed that McDonalds got all the promotions
with WABC after the very successful $25,000 Button.

However, WABC worked with competitor Burger King as well.

This is the "WABC Bicentennial Car Star" which qualified
those who were spotted with it on their cars for prizes.

In 1976, almost everyone was jumping on the Bicentennial bandwagon.
WABC was no exception

Steve O'Brien
July 3, 1976

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