Musicradio WABC Pictures of the Week for June, 2010


Week of June 1,  2010:  

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Dan Ingram Back Home
May 31, 2004

On May 31, 2004 Dan Ingram was interviewed on WABC as part of "WABC Rewound"
Here's that interview:

           Mp3      Real Audio

WABC PD Phil Boyce
WABC Musicradio legend Dan Ingram
Musicradio WABC Web Master Allan Sniffen

PAMS/JAM President Jonathan Wolfert


Week of June 8, 2010:


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L to R: Rick Sklar, Muhammed Ali & Howard Cosell

Howard Cosell Interviews Rick Sklar!

Sixteen years after the above picture was taken, Howard Cosell
interviewed Rick Sklar on his radio show
"Speaking of Everything"
July 1, 1984

     Real Audio                Mp3            

This is a very interesting interview for all kinds of reasons
including that Howard worked at WABC during Rick's tenure.
Howard asks Rick about the evolution of rock radio, how
the WABC music meetings worked, the WABC
"Mona Lisa Contest", the WABC DJ's,
MTV, the growth of FM and a funny story about
Muhammed Ali that took place just before the above picture was taken!



Week of June 15, 2010:

WABC Magazine Ad from 1968 
Standing: Harry Harrison
Top: Dan Ingram
Middle: Chuck Leonard, Bruce Morrow, Ron Lundy
Bottom: Roby Yonge, Charlie Greer, Bob Lewis

Here's what the caption says:

If yours is one of the 1,069,300 homes that makes WABC the most listened
to station in America...Thanks for your loyalty.  You've found our interests,
like yours, range from the contemporary sound of music to current
events (up to date news) and public affairs.  All vital, alive... part of today! 
When your fingers put your radio on 77 you've got the pulse of
the now generation.  Listen to it...feel's your beat.
Turn on.  Tune in. We're your kind of people.

Click here for another version of this ad.

Here's what WABC sounded like in 1968:

Dan Ingram
April 13, 1968

 Mp3           Real Audio


Week of June 22, 2010:

Herb Oscar Anderson

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Mark Simone Interviews HOA
June 24, 2006:

         Mp3               Real Audio


Week of June 29, 2010:

Scott Muni

Scott Muni was a personality at WABC from 1960 until 1965.
But, he's best remembered for his many years at WNEW-FM.

On June 28th, he was inducted into the New York State Broadcaster's Association Hall of Fame.
One of his close WNEW-FM co-workers and friends was Dennis Elsas (now of WFUV).
This week, Dennis featured an excellent segment he did with Scott back in 1979:

Dennis Elsas Archives