Musicradio WABC Pictures of the Week for January, 2013


Week of January 1, 2013: 


Dan Ingram on the air at WABC
Fall, 1971

(courtesy Shadoe Steele)

How about that for a fantastic picture?
Shadoe Steele contributed it to and commented:

That's my pride and joy
It is
a candid that the Chief Engineer took of Ingram in 1971 (early
I wouldn't trade that one for the

Here's what Dan sounded like at about that time.
A great aircheck to go with a great photo.
The photo and aircheck will remind you of why you loved WABC!

Dan on WABC
November 6, 1971

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Week of January 8, 2013:

Charlie Greer

charliecoffee.jpg (12242 bytes)

It probably took a lot of coffee to keep Charlie awake on those overnight shows!
Here he is on January 14, 1967:
(Dennison's commercials included!)

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Over the years there has been a debate about"Dennison's Mens Clothiers".
The rumor has been that Dennison's was actually a front for a house of prostitution!

I have always disputed that as nothing more than a cool sounding rumor
that people like to believe based on those very strange rhyming commercials.
You may recall the tag lines of "Money talks and nobody walks"
and "Open 10AM until 5 the next morning".

As a result of the discussion once again cropping up,
Mark Simone addressed it on WABC's Saturday Night Oldies show on January 28, 2006.
As a result, he received the following phone call from someone who knew the owner of Dennison's:

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Week of January 15, 2013:

More homes tuned into WABC in 1964, 1965 and 1966
than any other station in North America!

Click on this thumbnail for a bigger view:



Week of January 22, 2013:

Cousin Brucie in the WABC studios circa 1964

Cousin+Brucie+At+WABCs.jpg (44764 bytes)

Musicradio WABC Lives On...

This past weekend a New York City radio station (94.7 FM) was in the process of changing its format.
For the entire weekend, it ran a loop of possible formats to call attention to the station and to generate interest.
In radio, it's a technique known as "stunting".
The station played all kinds of different music, formats and teases.

One part of the station's stunting was to play back clips of Musicradio WABC!!
How about that... all these years later and Musicradio WABC is still being celebrated on New York radio!

Both Dan Ingram and Cousin Brucie were featured.
If you are in the New York area, you may have heard it.

One of the airchecks that was used was the first couple of minutes of the aircheck below.
For those who want to hear more than just the first two minutes, here it is!
An hour of Cousin Brucie on WABC from September 9, 1968...
heard as recently as last weekend on New York Radio!

Cousin Bruce Morrow on WABC
September 9, 1968

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Week of January 29, 2013:


"WABC Music Time"

This is the actual clock the WABC DJ's looked at in the WABC Studio in 1972!
(courtesy Bob Hardt)

And here's what Musicradio WABC sounded like at that time.
Bruce Morrow
April 4, 1972

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Johnny Donovan explains the marks:
Red Marks: Commercials
Blue Marks: Mandatory Music Sweeps