Musicradio WABC Pictures of the Week for November, 2013


Week of November 5, 2013:  

Yes, WABC Really Was That Big!

WABC advertisement based on a "Markets In Focus" study
(courtesy Johnny Donovan)



Week of November 12, 2013:

"Clue-Key Contest"
November, 1967

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Ron Lundy/Herb Oscar Anderson Promo for "Clue-Key"

(promo from November, 1967)


Week of November 19, 2013:

Harry Harrison

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Harry Harrison's last WABC Show
Wednesday, November 21, 1979:

         Mp3         Real Audio


November 26, 2013:

Dan Ingram's "Top 40 Satellite Survey" 

In 1984, Dan Ingram's contract with ABC finally ran out so he was free to move on to other possibilities.
"CBS Radio Radio" offered him the opportunity to do a countdown show along the lines of Casey Kasum's  wildly popular "American Top 40".

CBS's idea was for Dan to do the recorded show as if he were live.
He did it in "real time" rather than in segments so, for example if he made a mistake, he would adlib around it rather than edit it out.
The show's architect, Bob VanDerheyden, was trying to capture Dan's amazing spontaneous abilities.
It was also distinctive in that it ran for three hours (not four) and he counted "up" (not "down") to Number One.

The show was moderately successful but was competing in a very crowded field.
Dan was late to the genre so finding affiliates wasn't easy.
Plus, those not familiar with Dan from WABC didn't always get the concept.
A mistake sounded like... a mistake.
It ran from April 1984 until December 1986.

These are promos for the show used by affiliate stations:

This is the first segment of a show that aired the weekend of August 17, 1984:


(sound files courtesy Claude Call)