Musicradio WABC Pictures of the Week for October, 2018


Week of  October 2, 2018:


Fifty Years Ago...
WABC in 1968

(Click here for a bigger image)

In 1968 WABC hit one of its ratings milestones.
It hit one million homes a day in listeners.
This was a mark that it would later exceed, but at the time, it was a major accomplishment!



Week of October 9, 2018:

The Rewound Radio Studio with... Dan Ingram at WABC!

Dan Ingram - Rewound Radio Studio

This is the Rewound Radio studio (you can just see the control board on the right).
Just above the microphone is... Dan Ingram on the air at WABC!

The photo of Dan was taken by Jonathan Wolfert in July, 1975.
It was enlarged by Dan Taylor of WCBS-FM who was generous to donate it to me.

Whenever I'm doing a live show on Rewound Radio, I need only to look up for some inspiration!

Some "Musicradio WABC Karma":

Jon took this photo in 1975.  43 years later it found its way to me without Jon personally providing it.
Dan Taylor asked Jon for it for a Tribute to Dan Ingram program last month.

At the same time, Jon is currently doing a show on Rewound Radio every Sunday.
The photo took an interesting route to end up at the station we're both now doing live shows on!

It's as if some things are just meant to be...

Speaking of Jon Wolfert...

Jon's Rewound Radio show is LIVE every Sunday at 3PM (ET).
If you have ever wanted to know more about jingles, just ask via the link at
He'll answer your questions over the air.

Or, just listen.
It's a lot of radio & jingle fun!


 Week of October 16, 2018:

The Bob Dayton "Help Stamp Out Fan Clubs" Fan Club Card
(courtesy Mike Riccio)

daytonclubs.jpg (17904 bytes)


daytonclub2s.jpg (30621 bytes)


Bob Dayton worked at WABC from 1963 until 1965.
Like Dan Ingram, he arrived at WABC from WIL in St. Louis where he worked under the air name "Rockin' Robin Scott".

Bob did the midday show on WABC coming on after "The Breakfast Club" at 11AM
and preceding Dan Ingram who came on at 2 PM.

Known for his acerbic wit, Bob tended to push the limits of acceptable humor for the times
and he found himself at odds with WABC programming guru Rick Sklar on a number of occasions.

After WABC, Bob worked in Los Angeles at KBLA before returning to
New York City where he worked at both WPIX-FM and WCBS-FM.

Bob Dayton on WABC



Week of October 23, 2018:

Brian Wilson of "Ross & Wilson"

As you probably know, Brian was half of "Ross & Wilson"...
WABC's last morning show before it became a talk station.

Brian Wilson has written a fun book about the exploits and adventures that come with working in radio for 50 years!

Brian tells 50 stories (some from WABC) of being both a music DJ and a talk radio host!

It's available on Amazon.
I read it and recommend it!

Amazon Link


Week of October 30, 2018:

"Ross & Wilson"

Ross Brittain (l) and Brian Wilson in the WABC Studio