THE Cousin Brucie Interview!
Jon Wolfert with Bruce
Morrow on Rewound Radio
August 30, 2020
August 30, 2020
Jonathan Wolfert interviewed Cousin Brucie over Rewound Radio on August 30,
This is a wide-ranging interview that covers Bruce's career from his first radio
job in Bermuda through his return to WABC in 2020.
Find out how Bruce got his first job, what he did in Jamaica, the origin of the
name "Cousin Brucie", how he felt about his enormous influence on WABC in the
his ownership of various radio stations, his time at Sirius/XM Radio and how it
feels going back to WABC in 2020!
This is likely the most in depth and fun interview you'll ever hear from "The
Cuz" thanks to
Jon's decades-long friendship with him and the fun flow of their conversation!
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