WABC Rewound 2000!
May 29, 2000
Producer: Johnny Donovan
Assistant Producer: Peter Kanze
Engineering: Frank D'Elia

What a GREAT time!
If you had a chance to hear it over the air or over the
you know how much fun we had.
This was the schedule:
6AM: Charlie Greer from January, 1967.
7AM: Johnny Donovan from 1974 and Dan Ingram from 1972
8AM: Ron Lundy from 1975
9AM: Bob "Bob-a-Loo" Lewis from 1964 (part 1)
10AM: Bob "Bob-a-Loo" Lewis from 1964 (part 2)
11AM: Bob Lewis (1964), Dan Ingram, Jeff Berman during AFTRA Strike
12PM: Jingle Montage (new for this year) courtesy JAM president Jonathan Wolfert
***If you want to hear the Jingle Montage, click here (courtesy of the PAMS web site!)***
5PM: Jack Carney 1961 Freedomland Remote, 1965 Blackout, 1978 station demo
6PM: Bruce Morrow 11/29/67 (recorded from WABC for the Vietnam troops)
7PM: George Michael 1976, promos and music
8PM: Roby Yonge 10/21/69: The "Paul is Dead" show that got him
9PM: Promos and forgotten hits
10PM: Dan Ingram 6/12/64, 1972 station demo
11PM: WABC Rewound Talk on the Steve Malzberg Show featuring Allan Sniffen, Jonathan
Wolfert, Peter Kanze, George Denos and you calls!
Pictures from the WABC Studios From
That Day!
THANKS to Spencer Morasch for the pictures!

The Actual Rewound Tapes!

The WABC Control Board during Rewound with engineer Mike Caragliano!

The WABC Air Studio looking from the Engineer's Side

The Air Studio looking back to the Engineer

The Rewound Talk Show
Jon Wolfert's back, Allan Sniffen, Steve Malzberg, Peter Kanze, George Denos

Allan Sniffen on air with the "Rewound Message
Board" on screen

Jonathan Wolfert on the air

Peter Kanze on the air, George Dennos in the background

Steve Malzberg on the air

Allan Sniffen, Steve Malzberg, Peter Kanze

Jon Wolfert, George Dennos, Tracy Carmen, Peter Kanze, Allan Sniffen, Spencer Morasch
WABC Rewound
Talk Show
May 29, 2000
The program was hosted by
Steve Malzberg and featured
Allan Sniffen, Jonathan Wolfert, Peter Kanze and George Dennos
talking about Musicradio WABC!

Part 1
An interview with Herb Oscar Anderson, a discussion
of the
WABC Good Guys and how HOA was able make WABC a
radio station for the adults as well as their kids.

Part 2
Various callers with
questions about Bob Dayton, the concept
of WABC as a mass appeal radio station, HOA and Harry Harrison
as "Morning Mayors"

Part 3
Jon Wolfert talks about how his interest in radio and
lead to a career, how the jingles worked at WABC, and how
WABC's programming affected stations around the world! Allan
also comments as to why this web site doesn't post
WABC Rewound in its entirety.

Part 4
What happened to Roby Yonge, George Michael, Jay
Frank Kingston Smith, songs that were banned from WABC,
the AFTRA strike of 1967, stations that copied WABC

Part 5
Why the Musicradio years are the focus of WABC
why the format changed to talkradio, and where radio
might be headed in the future

Part 6
Various memories from callers, some comments about
ABC radio network news, WABC promotions, WINS,
how the "All Americans" became a slogan for WABC,
and why we all get excited over this! |
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